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Volunteer Opportunities Available

  • Programming

    Programming: Do you enjoy selecting the speakers? Are you interested in organizing meetings and making sure all the details are in order to have a successful educational hour? If so, the programming committee would like to hear from you.

  • Give & Gain Conference

    Give & Gain Conference: Each year, CGPNE partners with AFP to host the Give & Gain conference. It takes many people to host an all-day educational event and you input and ideas would be a welcome addition to this committee.

  • Sponsorship

    Sponsorship: One of the keys to the financial stability of our organization is the ability to secure sponsors for meetings. This directly helps us keep our dues and monthly meeting costs low. Please contact us if you are interested in helping secure sponsors for our organization, we would love to have you on the team!

  • Annual Meeting

    Annual Meeting: December is the time to celebrate everything that has happened at CGPNE during the year and we do so by having a meeting to celebrate. From scheduling the entertainment to making recommendations for award winners, this committee would like you to get involved and help plan the celebration.

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